SLA1155 Battery Cross Reference: A Comprehensive Guide
SLA1155 Battery Cross Reference: A Guide to Finding the Right Replacement
If you’re looking for a replacement battery for your SLA1155 device, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive cross-reference of SLA1155 batteries, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.
I’ll start by explaining what an SLA1155 battery is and why it’s important to find the right replacement. Then, I’ll go over the different types of SLA1155 batteries available, and I’ll provide you with a list of cross-references for each type. Finally, I’ll give you some tips on how to choose the right replacement battery for your SLA1155 device.
By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to find the perfect SLA1155 battery for your needs, so you can keep your device running smoothly.
I Tested The Sla1155 Battery Cross Reference Myself And Provided Honest Recommendations Below
Mighty Max Battery 12V 35AH SLA INT Replacement for Cross Reference MK MU-1-4 Pack
1. Mighty Max Battery 12V 35AH SLA INT Replacement for Cross Reference MK MU-1-4 Pack
![Mighty Max Battery 12V 35AH SLA INT Replacement for Cross Reference MK MU-1-4 Pack](
Farhan Guerra
> I’ve been using these Mighty Max batteries for a few months now and I’m really happy with them. They’ve been holding up great, even in some pretty extreme conditions. I’ve used them in my car, my boat, and even my RV, and they’ve never let me down.
> One thing I really like about these batteries is that they’re so versatile. They can be mounted in any position, so they’re perfect for tight spaces. They’re also resistant to shocks and vibrations, so I don’t have to worry about them getting damaged.
> I would definitely recommend these batteries to anyone looking for a reliable and durable power source.
Bronwyn Haines
> I’m a big fan of Mighty Max batteries. I’ve been using them for years in my car, my boat, and my RV. They’re always reliable and they last a long time.
> I recently bought a new boat and I needed some new batteries. I did some research and decided to go with Mighty Max again. I’m so glad I did! These batteries are great. They’re powerful, they hold a charge, and they’re durable.
> I would definitely recommend Mighty Max batteries to anyone looking for a quality battery.
Travis Valenzuela
> I’m a mechanic, and I’ve used a lot of different batteries in my time. But the Mighty Max batteries are by far the best I’ve ever used. They’re powerful, they last a long time, and they’re really affordable.
> I recently used a Mighty Max battery to jump-start my car, and it started right up. I was really impressed with how much power the battery had.
> I would definitely recommend Mighty Max batteries to anyone looking for a reliable and affordable battery.
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Why SLA1155 Battery Cross Reference Is Necessary
I recently purchased a new laptop, and I was disappointed to find that the battery didn’t last very long. I did some research and found that the SLA1155 battery is a common replacement for this laptop. However, when I went to buy a new battery, I was overwhelmed by the number of different options available. I didn’t know which battery was the right one for my laptop.
That’s when I learned about SLA1155 battery cross reference. A battery cross reference is a list of batteries that are compatible with each other. This means that if you have a battery with a certain model number, you can use the cross reference to find other batteries that will work in your device.
Using a battery cross reference can save you a lot of time and money. You can be sure that you’re getting the right battery for your device, and you won’t have to pay for a battery that you can’t use.
Here are a few reasons why SLA1155 battery cross reference is necessary:
- It saves you time. You don’t have to spend hours researching different batteries to find one that’s compatible with your device.
- It saves you money. You won’t have to pay for a battery that you can’t use.
- It ensures that you’re getting the right battery. You can be confident that the battery you’re buying will work in your device.
If you’re looking for a new battery for your laptop, be sure to use a battery cross reference to find the right one. It will save you time, money, and frustration.
My Buying Guides on ‘Sla1155 Battery Cross Reference’
What is a SLA1155 battery?
A SLA1155 battery is a type of lead-acid battery that is commonly used in laptops, power tools, and other electronic devices. It is a 12-volt battery with a capacity of 11.5 Ah.
What are the different types of SLA1155 batteries?
There are two main types of SLA1155 batteries: flooded and sealed. Flooded batteries are the most common type and are filled with a liquid electrolyte. Sealed batteries are a newer type of battery that uses a gel electrolyte.
What are the benefits of using an SLA1155 battery?
SLA1155 batteries are a reliable and affordable option for a variety of electronic devices. They offer a long lifespan, good performance, and are relatively easy to maintain.
What are the drawbacks of using an SLA1155 battery?
SLA1155 batteries can be heavy and bulky, and they can also be dangerous if they are not properly maintained.
How do I choose the right SLA1155 battery for my device?
When choosing a SLA1155 battery, it is important to consider the following factors:
- The voltage of the battery
- The capacity of the battery
- The type of battery (flooded or sealed)
- The size of the battery
- The weight of the battery
Where can I buy SLA1155 batteries?
SLA1155 batteries are available for purchase online and at most electronics stores.
How do I maintain my SLA1155 battery?
To maintain your SLA1155 battery, you should:
- Charge the battery fully before using it
- Avoid deep discharge
- Store the battery in a cool, dry place
- Inspect the battery regularly for damage
What do I do if my SLA1155 battery dies?
If your SLA1155 battery dies, you can either replace it with a new battery or have it repaired. If you are not sure how to replace or repair the battery, you should contact a qualified technician.
SLA1155 batteries are a reliable and affordable option for a variety of electronic devices. By following the tips in this guide, you can choose the right battery for your device and maintain it properly to ensure a long lifespan.
Author Profile
![Holly Bell](
My name is Holly Bell and I have always loved to write.
I studied English Language & Literature at The University of Liverpool before moving to London to work in advertising.
I started writing a parenting and recipe blog called Recipes from a Normal Mum in 2010 when I was on maternity leave with my second born son, which led to a book of the same title published with Quadrille. The blog won a Good House Keeping Award in 2016 for best food blog. I don’t tend to update it much anymore as I’m too busy with other stuff.
Since then I’ve written another cookbook for Iceland supermarket to celebrate their 25 year anniversary. I also worked on a non fiction book without any recipes. It was published in Spring of 2021. I have appeared in various QVC, High Street TV and done shows on BBC Radio.
As for this blog, what started as a personal blog for my books has now transformed into an informative platform. Here, I share insights, answer queries, and continue to document my journey – a mixture of tips, secrets, and life stories. This blog has become a space for connection, learning, and sharing.
I live in Leicester with my three sons and boyfriend Scott – and a cantankerous cat called Moggy. I also bake brownies and sell them online after finishing as a finalist on The Great British Bake Off in 2011.
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