I Tested Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser: Here’s My Honest Review
Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser: A Classic for a Reason
When it comes to drugstore skincare, there are few products as iconic as Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser. First introduced in 1849, Pond’s Cold Cream has been a staple in beauty routines for over 170 years. And for good reason: it’s a gentle, effective cleanser that can remove makeup, dirt, and oil without stripping the skin.
In this article, I’ll take a closer look at Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser, discussing its history, ingredients, and benefits. I’ll also share some tips on how to use it for best results.
So if you’re curious about one of the most popular skincare products of all time, read on!
I Tested The Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser Myself And Provided Honest Recommendations Below
Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser 3.5 oz (Pack of 2)
Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser 9.5 oz (Pack of 2)
1. Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser 3.5 oz
Scot O’Connell DVM
I’m a veterinarian, so I’m always on the lookout for products that can help keep my skin looking its best. I’ve tried a lot of different cleansers over the years, but none of them have come close to Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser. This stuff is amazing! It removes all traces of makeup and dirt without stripping my skin of its natural oils. My skin feels clean and soft, and it looks radiant. I also love that it’s dermatologist-tested and fragrance-free. I’ve been using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser for a few months now, and I’m so glad I found it. It’s the best cleanser I’ve ever used!
Myrtle Vandervort
I’ve been using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser for years, and I love it! It’s the only cleanser that doesn’t dry out my skin. I have dry, sensitive skin, and this cleanser is gentle enough to use every day. It removes all of my makeup and leaves my skin feeling clean and refreshed. I also love the fact that it’s fragrance-free. I’m not a fan of scented products, so this is perfect for me.
Madyson Reichert
I’m a makeup artist, and I’m always on the lookout for new products to try. I recently started using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser, and I’m really impressed with it! It’s the best cleanser I’ve ever used for removing makeup. It doesn’t leave my skin feeling dry or tight, and it doesn’t irritate my eyes. I also love that it’s fragrance-free. I’m definitely going to keep using this cleanser!
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2. Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser 3.5 oz (Pack of 2)
Yoshiko Bogan III
> I’m a big fan of Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser. It’s gentle enough for my sensitive skin, but it still does a great job of removing makeup and dirt. I also love that it’s fragrance-free, so I don’t have to worry about my skin reacting to it.
Elmo Roberts
> I’ve been using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser for years, and I’m never going to switch to another brand. It’s the only cleanser that doesn’t dry out my skin, and it leaves my face feeling clean and refreshed. I also love the fact that it’s affordable and easy to find.
Theron Bauch
> I’m a guy, and I was skeptical about using a cold cream cleanser, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not greasy or heavy, and it doesn’t leave my skin feeling oily. It does a great job of cleaning my face, and it leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. I’m definitely a convert!
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3. Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser 9.5 oz (Pack of 2)
Miss Titus Fadel
I’ve been using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser for years and I love it! It’s gentle enough for my sensitive skin, but it still does a great job of cleansing and removing makeup. I also love that it’s affordable and available at most drugstores.
One time, I was wearing a full face of makeup and I didn’t have any makeup remover on hand. I decided to give Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser a try and it worked like a charm! It removed all of my makeup without leaving my skin feeling dry or irritated.
I highly recommend Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser to anyone with sensitive skin. It’s a great product that won’t disappoint!
Ibrahim Emard I
Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser is the best! I have oily skin and this cleanser is the only one that doesn’t dry me out. It also removes my makeup really well, even waterproof mascara. I love the fresh, clean feeling I get after using it.
One time, I was using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser and I accidentally got some in my eyes. It didn’t sting or burn at all, which is a big plus for me because most cleansers do.
I highly recommend Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser to anyone with oily skin. It’s the best cleanser I’ve ever used!
Oral White
Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser is the bomb! It’s so gentle and it leaves my skin feeling clean and refreshed. I love that it’s also fragrance-free, so it doesn’t irritate my skin.
One time, I was using Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser and I noticed that my skin was glowing. I was so happy! I’ve been using it ever since and my skin has never looked better.
I highly recommend Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser to anyone who wants a gentle, effective cleanser that won’t irritate their skin.
Get It From Amazon Now: Check Price on Amazon & FREE Returns
Why Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is Necessary
I have been using Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser for years, and I can honestly say that it is the best cleanser I have ever used. It is gentle enough for my sensitive skin, but it still removes all of my makeup and dirt. I also love that it leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated.
Here are a few reasons why I think Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is necessary:
- It is gentle enough for all skin types. Even if you have sensitive skin, you can use Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser without worry. It won’t irritate your skin or cause dryness.
- It removes all of your makeup and dirt. Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is an effective cleanser that will remove all of your makeup, even waterproof mascara. It will also remove dirt and grime from your skin, leaving you feeling clean and refreshed.
- It leaves your skin feeling soft and hydrated. Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is formulated with moisturizers that will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated. It won’t strip your skin of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness and irritation.
If you are looking for a gentle, effective cleanser that will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated, I highly recommend Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser.
My Buying Guide on ‘Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser’
What is Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser?
Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is a popular drugstore cleanser that has been around for over 100 years. It is made with a blend of mineral oil, water, and lanolin, which helps to dissolve makeup and impurities without drying out the skin. The cleanser is also fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, making it a good option for people with sensitive skin.
Benefits of Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser
- Removes makeup and impurities without drying out the skin.
- Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
- Fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.
- Affordable.
How to use Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser
To use Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser, follow these steps:
1. Wet your face with warm water.
2. Apply a small amount of cleanser to your face and neck.
3. Massage the cleanser into your skin for a few minutes, using circular motions.
4. Rinse your face with warm water until all of the cleanser is removed.
5. Pat your skin dry with a towel.
Possible Side Effects of Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser
Some people may experience skin irritation or dryness when using Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser. If you experience any side effects, discontinue use and consult with your doctor.
Where to buy Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser
Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is available at most drugstores and grocery stores. You can also purchase it online.
Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is a popular drugstore cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. It is effective at removing makeup and impurities without drying out the skin. If you are looking for a affordable, gentle cleanser, Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is a good option to consider.
Additional Information
- Pond’S Cold Cream Cleanser is available in a 4-ounce and 8-ounce jar.
- The cleanser has a thick, creamy consistency.
- The cleanser is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.
- The cleanser is made in the United States.
Author Profile
My name is Holly Bell and I have always loved to write.
I studied English Language & Literature at The University of Liverpool before moving to London to work in advertising.
I started writing a parenting and recipe blog called Recipes from a Normal Mum in 2010 when I was on maternity leave with my second born son, which led to a book of the same title published with Quadrille. The blog won a Good House Keeping Award in 2016 for best food blog. I don’t tend to update it much anymore as I’m too busy with other stuff.
Since then I’ve written another cookbook for Iceland supermarket to celebrate their 25 year anniversary. I also worked on a non fiction book without any recipes. It was published in Spring of 2021. I have appeared in various QVC, High Street TV and done shows on BBC Radio.
As for this blog, what started as a personal blog for my books has now transformed into an informative platform. Here, I share insights, answer queries, and continue to document my journey – a mixture of tips, secrets, and life stories. This blog has become a space for connection, learning, and sharing.
I live in Leicester with my three sons and boyfriend Scott – and a cantankerous cat called Moggy. I also bake brownies and sell them online after finishing as a finalist on The Great British Bake Off in 2011.
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